Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

The Essential Needs of a Greyhound

Dogs have been known as man’s best friend for centuries now, and it easy to see why. They are loyal, loving and devoted companions. Like with humans, our dogs are at their happiest, and healthiest, when all their essential needs are being met

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

How to teach a dog to ‘sit’

How to teach a dog to ‘sit’ 'Sit' tends to be one of the first commands we teach our dogs. It is a very useful command, helping to get your pup to stay still when you need them to.

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Why do Dogs Jump Up at You?

I believe the best way to resolve a behavioural problem is to first understand why it is happening. So lets dive into why dogs jump…

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Why does my dog stare at me?

Why does my dog stare at me? To some, a dog’s stare can be quite unnerving, especially as there is a common perception that it is a precursor to an attack.

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Meet Swift

Meet Swift, my gorgeous greyhound. We adopted Swift in October 2019 on his 03rd birthday. He was a track dog, greyhound racing.

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Greyhound Corns

Sadly, greyhounds are prone to irritating growths in their foot pads that are known as corns. There are ways to help reduce the discomfort without having to surgically remove the corn altogether and some greyhounds continue to be happy and active using these methods.

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Awesome Superfoods To Give To Your Dog

We all want our dogs to live long and healthy lives. While we cannot extend a dog’s lifespan to match our own, there are some foods which, when added to a dog’s diet, can aid in their wellbeing.

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Greyhound vs Whippet

Excluding the very obvious size difference, are Greyhounds and Whippets basically the same dog?

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Greyhound Myths

Anyone that owns a greyhound, or knows one, will know that they are gentle, soppy, giants. As many come off the track and are rehomed with guidelines to muzzle them, it projects to others a dog that should be feared but this couldn’t be farther from truth.

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Understanding your Dog's Bark

Dog’s bark. It is their form of language. Much in the same way that cow’s moo, duck’s quack and mice squeak, barking is the uniformed sound that dog’s use to communicate with each other, and with us.

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Emma Allaway Emma Allaway

Dog Separation Anxiety

Canine separation anxiety is quite common and often misdiagnosed, especially in the crucial early stages, as bad behaviour or unruly antics.

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The Greyhound Guide